SP Dynamis Er:YAG Laser
Quick Facts: SP Dynamis Er:YAG Laser
* Current Australian Government Provisions do not permit us to use the name of this product in any advertising material. For more information contact Kiora.
- It is one of the most powerful Nd:YAG 1064nm wavelength lasers available in Australia
- This is an ideal wavelength to treat capillaries and deep pigmented lesions like birth marks
- Can be tuned to fire poweful Er:YAG 2940nm pulses ideal for laser resurfacing
- These wavelengths are ideal for difficult skin types like dark Asian and Indian patients
- Can use millisecond pulses to achieve a Frac3 Collagen Tightening effect
- Uncompromising Safety: Ventilation exceeds WHO COVID recommendations for hospitals by 200%. All staff vaccinated
Kiora was one of the first clinics to bring one of these powerful european systems into Australia. It is an advanced laser ideal for treating a variety of skin lesions in difficult skin types. The SP Dynamis can tune both wavelength and pulse width to achieve an ideal outcome for our patients whilst maximising patient safety